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US Military's latest weapon is the iPod Touch

Monday, April 20, 2009  |  0 comments
According to a new report from Newsweek, iPod touch and iPhone are becoming the electronic handheld devices of choice for U.S. military overseas. The iPod touch fulfills the U.S. military's need to equip soldiers with a single device that can perform many different tasks. Although neither Apple nor the military will comment on how many have been deployed, the devices are now being used for a variety of purposes like mapping, translation, trajectory calculation and carrying video messages, etc.
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The Pentagon is funding the technology behind an app that would allow a soldier to take a picture of a street sign and quickly receive intelligence on the local area, while the U.S. Marine Corps is funding an application that would allow soldiers to upload photos of detained suspects to a centralized, biometric database, which could then be used to match faces and make it easier to track suspects once they’ve been released.

More advanced plans include the ability to send or receive extremely sensitive communications, such as video from unmanned drones, or calls from spies in foreign countries. The US Army is in the process of developing a remote control app for bomb disposal robots, exploiting Apple's motion-sensing technology.



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